Maybe the following will give you some idea about what cultism is. While
we can concentrate on beliefs.... it is the behaviour of the group that
best defines it. That can then include all groups within our society,
religious, educational., commercial, psychological/psychiatric, nations, etc.
Studies have shown that today's cults use a stronger form of control than
those of 50 years ago. The advent of new psychological experiments in the
60's and 70's have produced the modern methods of mind control which are
far more sophisticated than the BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES and
THOUGHT REFORM developed by the Chinese. To understand mind control you
need a basic understanding of BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES.
What is "behaviour modification."
Simply described, it is "reward or punishment for actions"
association. It was used on you as a child whenever you were being
commended or otherwise for your behaviour.
Taking away a privilege is usually a sure-fire method to persuading a child
to change its behaviour when that child is old enough to under-stand the
process. Praising a child for doing good is another method of changing
behaviour, especially in the child who is anxious toplease. The rod of
education applied to the seat of learning is another method of bringing
about a desired behaviour change.
When behaviour modification techniques such as these are applied in a
loving, caring and consistent way, the child changes their behaviour without
holding feelings of resentment. However, if these techniques are perverted
in any way, damage is done to the child's psyche, their emotions. e.g..
the abused child syndrome. Cults use a sophisticated and perverted form of
behaviour modification which damages an individuals emotions.
Leon Festinger is a psychologist who studied groups that predicted the end
of the world. He found that most members became stronger than ever when
the prophecy failed. His investigation revealed that members had to find
a way to cope psychologically with the failure. They needed to maintain
order and meaning in their life. They needed to think they were acting
according to their self-image and values.
Festinger described this contradiction which they had to overcome as what
has become known as the "COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEORY." The three
components he described are:
Each component has a powerful effect on the other two: CHANGE ONE AND THE
OTHERS WILL TEND TO FOLLOW. When all three change the individual undergoes
a complete change. Festinger summarised the basic principle:
When there is a conflict between thoughts, feelings or behaviour, then
those in conflict will change to minimise the contradiction. This is
because a person can only tolerate a certain amount of discrepancy between
these components which make up his identity. In cults this dissonance is
created to exploit and control them.
Steven Hassan, author of Combating Cult Mind Control, added a
fourth component to Festinger's:
By controlling the information one receives you can control and restrict
the individual's ability to think for himself. You limit what he is able
to think about.
BEHAVIOUR CONTROL - The control of an individual's physical reality.
This can include control of where he lives, what he eats, his clothing,
sleep, job, rituals etc. This is why most cults have a stringent schedule
for members. There is always something to do in destructive cults. Each
cult has its own distinctive set of behaviours that bind it together. This
control is so powerful that the cult member will actually participate in
their own punishment and come to believe he actually deserves it!
No one can command a person's thoughts but IF YOU CAN CONTROL BEHAVIOUR
THOUGHT CONTROL - The control of an individual's thought processes.
The indoctrination of members so thoroughly that they will manipulate their
own thought processes. The ideology is internalised as "the
truth". Incoming information is filtered through the beliefs which
also regulates how this information is thought about.
The cult has it's own language which further regulates how a person
thinks. This puts a great barrier between cult members and outsiders.
Another form of control is "thought stopping" techniques. This
can take many forms: chanting, meditating, singing, humming, tongues (some
even pay money to learn it), concentrated praying, etc. The use of
these techniques short-circuits the persons' ability to test reality.
The person can only think positive thoughts about the group. If there
is a problem the member assumes responsibility and works harder.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL - The control of the individuals emotional life.
This manipulates a person's range of feelings. Guilt and fear are used to
keep control. Cult members cannot see the control by guilt and like other
abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things are wrong,
even grateful when a leader points our their transgressions.
Fear is used to manipulate two ways. The first is to create an outside
enemy (we vs them) who is persecuting you. The second is the fear of
punishment by the leaders if you are not "good enough." Being
"good enough" is following the ideology perfectly. The most
powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the
person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is
almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group.
There is no physical gun held to their heads but the psychological gun is
just as if not more powerful.
INFORMATION CONTROL - The control of the individuals information sources.
Deny a person the information needed to make a sound judgment and he will be
incapable of doing so. People are trapped in cults because they are denied
both the access to the critical information they need to assess their
situation. The psychological chains on their minds are just as powerful as
if they were locked away physically from society. So strong is this
psychological process they also lack the properly functioning internal
mechanism to process any critical information placed in front of them.
Mind Control is a PROCESS of eradicating former beliefs and instituting
new beliefs in their place through the use of COERCIVE persuasion. It is
a PROCESS which is designed to break a person's independence and
individuality and replace it with the ideology clone. The Chinese called
this process "thought reform" which was poorlytranslated into
English as "brain-washing".
Brain-washing is now considered to be a different process to thought reform
or mind control. In brain-washing the victim knows who is the enemy. An
example is American Patty Hearst who was kidnapped by a terrorist group.
Through physical abuse she finally became a member of the group and took
part in terrorist activities and bank robberies.
Thought control is more subtle. The victim doesn't know who is the enemy
because the enemy seems like their best friend who only has their best
interests at heart.
Cults practice a more refined form of thought control than that used by the
Chinese. Leading psychologist, Dr Margaret Singer, said cults do it better
than the Chinese because it is easier to get people to do what you want
through manipulating them with guilt and anxiety.
During this process the prospective recruit is re-educated and will abandon
the precepts he has learnt from life for the "truth" or
"enlightenment" offered by the group. In some cults this is done
over a long period of time; Other cults can bring about this change within
48 hours. Whichever way the process takes place the results are the same.
The individual has undergone a total change in personality and is often
unrecognisable by their family.
The process of thought control has been documented by Robert J Lifton who
researched what happened to the American prisoners of the Communist Chinese.
He labelled the steps which have become the standard by which to judge
whether a group is using "brain-washing" or "thought
reform" on it's recruits.
Robert J Lifton's research showed that -
Psychological theme, philosophical rationale, and polarised
individual tendencies are interdependent; they require, rather than
directly cause, each other. In combination they create an
atmosphere which may temporarily energise or exhilarate, but which
at the same time poses the gravest of human threats." (Thought
Reform & the Psychology of Totalism p 420)
The eight marks noted by Lifton are:
The control of human communication is the most basic feature of the thought
reform environment. This is the control of what the individual sees, hears,
reads, writes, experiences and expresses. It goes even further than that,
and controls the individuals communication with himself - his own thoughts.
Everything other than their beliefs is excluded. The organisation appears
to be omniscient. They seem to know everything that is going on. Reality
is their exclusive possession. In this environment the individual is
deprived of the combination of external information and internal reflection
required to test reality and to maintain a measure of identity separate
from his environment.
The individual can feel victimised by his controllers and feel the
hostility of suffocation - the resentful awareness that his striving toward
new information, independent judgment and self-expression are being thwarted.
EXAMPLE - Jehovah's Witnesses are a classical example of a closed community
living within and mixing with the wider community. Because they are so well
known we have used them as an example.
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
This seeks to provoke specific patterns of behaviour and emotion in such a
way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the
environment. For the manipulated person this assumes a near-mystical
quality. This is not just a power trip by the manipulators. They have a
sense of "higher purpose" and see themselves as being the
"keepers of the truth." By becoming the instruments of their own
mystique, they create a mystical aura around the manipulating institution
- the Party, the Government, the Organisation, etc. They are the chosen
agents to carry out this mystical imperative.
The pursuit of this mystical imperative supersedes all considerations of
decency of immediate human welfare. The end justifies the means. You can
lie, deceive or whatever to those outside the organization. Association
with the "outside" is only to benefit their own cause in some way.
Some cults like Moonies and Hare Krishna's call their deception
"heavenly deception" or "transcendental trickery".
Members believe in the ideology to such a degree that they rationalize these
deceptions. Members are kept in a frenzy of cult related activities. There
is little time or energy to think about their lifestyle.
"The psychology of the pawn" - This person feels unable to escape
from forces he sees more powerful than himself. His way of dealing with
this is to adapt to them. He learns how to anticipate problems with the
organisation and to manipulate events to avoid incriminating himself.
This is the person who has been in the organisation long enough, knows
something is wrong, is on the verge of leaving then suddenly becomes very
loyal. They sell out to the organisation and will turn in friends who may
have confided in them.
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
Pure and impure is defined by the ideology of the organization. Only those
ideas, feelings and actions consistent with the ideology and policy are
good. The individual conscience is not reliable. The philosophical
assumption is that absolute purity is attainable and that anything done in
the name of this purity is moral.
By defining and manipulating the criteria of purity and conducting an
all-out war on impurity (dissension especially) the organisation creates a
narrow world of guilt and shame. This is perpetuated by an ethos of
continuous reform, the demand that one strive permanently and painfully for
something which not only does not exist but is alien to the human condition.
Under these conditions the individual expects humiliation, ostracism and
punishment because of his inability to live up to the criteria and lives
in a constant state of guilt and shame. Since the organisation is the
ultimate judge of good and evil, this guilt and shame is used to manipulate
and control members. The organization becomes an authority without limit
in the eyes of members and their power is nowhere more evident that in
their capacity to "forgive".
All impurities are seen to originate from "outside" (the world).
Therefore, one of the best ways to relieve himself of the burden of guilt is
to denounce these with great hostility. The more guilty he feels, the
greater his hatred, the more hostile is his denouncement.
Organizationally this eventually leads to purges of heretics, mass hatred
and religious holy wars. The group will point to the mistakes of all other
belief systems while promoting their own purity. This gives the impression
that their organisation is perfect, clean and pure as a people or group.
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
This is closely related to the demand for purity. Confession is carried
beyond the ordinary religious, legal and therapeutic expressions to the
point of becoming a cult in itself. In totalist hands, confession becomes
a means of exploiting, rather than offering solace for these vulnerabilities.
Totalist confession is an act of self-surrender, the expression of the
merging of the individual and environment. There is a dissolution of self,
talents and money. Conformity.
The cult of confession has effects quite the reverse of its ideal of total
exposure; rather than eliminating personal secrets, it increases and
intensifies them.
The individual becomes caught up in continuous conflict over which secrets
to preserve and which to surrender, over ways to reveal lesser secrets can
be revealed and ways to protect more important ones.
The cult of confession makes it virtually impossible to attain reasonable
balance between worth and humility.
e.g. In Jehovah's Witnesses
Their "truth" is the absolute truth. It is sacred - beyond
questioning. There is a reverence demanded for the leadership. They have
ALL the answers. Only to them is given the revelation of "truth".
The ultimate moral vision becomes the ultimate science and the person who
dares to criticise it, or even think criticism, is immoral, irreverent and
The assumption here is not so much that man can be God, but rather that
man's IDEAS can be God.
This gives sense of security to the member. They are confident they can
get the answer to the most difficult problem or question.
e.g. In Jehovah's Witnesses you can be disfellowshipped (kicked out)
for daring to question what is taught in their publications.
Everything is compressed into brief, highly reductive,
definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorised and easily expressed.
There are "good" terms which represents the groups ideology and
"evil" terms to represent everything outside which is to be
rejected. Totalist language is intensely divisive, all-encompassing jargon,
unmercifully judging. To those outside the group this language is tedious -
the language of non-thought.
This effectively isolates members from outside world. The only people who
understand you are other members. Other members can tell if you are really
one of them by how you talk.
This narrowness of the language is constricting. The individual is
linguistically deprived because language is central to the human experience
and his capacities for thinking and feeling are immensely restricted.
While initially this loaded language can give a sense of security to the
new believer, an uneasiness develops over time. This uneasiness may result
in a withdrawal into the system and he preaches even harder to hide his
problem and demonstrate his loyalty. It may also produce an inner division
and the individual will publicly give the right performance while privately
have his own thoughts.
Either way, his imagination becomes increasingly disassociated from his
actual life experiences and may even tend to atrophy from disuse.
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
The ideological myth merges with their "truth" and the resulting
deduction can be so overpowering and coercive that is simply replaces
reality. Consequently past events can be altered, rewritten or even
ignored to make them consistent with the current reality. This alteration
is especially lethal when the distortions are imposed on the individual's
They demand character and identity of a person be reshaped to fit their
clone of mentality. The individual must fit the rigid contours of the
doctrinal mould instead of developing their own potential and personality.
The underlying assumption is that the doctrine - including its mythological
elements - is ultimately more valid, true and real than is any aspect of
actual human character or human experience. The individual under such
pressure is propelled into an intense conflict with his own sense of
integrity, a struggle which take place in relation to polarised feelings if
sincerity and insincerity.
Absolute sincerity is demanded by the group yet this must be put to one
side when changes take place the individual has to deny the original belief
ever existed. Personal feelings are suppressed and members must appear
to be contented and enthusiastic at all times.
Some cults believe that all illness is a result of lack of faith and
evidence of sin in your life. These things have to be prayed away and
medical attention is ignored as a "sign of faith."
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
They have the right to decide who is worthy of life and who isn't. They
also decide which history books are accurate and which are not.
Those in the organisation are worthy of life; those outside worthy of
death. The outsiders can be permitted to live if they change and become
an insider. Members live in fear of being pronounced "dead".
They have a fear of annihilation or extinction. The emotional conflict is
one of "being vs nothingness".
Existence comes to depend upon creed (I believe, therefore I am), upon
mission (I obey, therefore I am) and beyond these, upon a sense of total
merger with the organisation. Should he stray from the "truth"
his right to exist may be withdrawn and he is pronounced "dead".
e.g. - In Jehovah's Witnesses
The more clearly these eight points are obvious, the greater the
resemblance to ideological totalism. The more an organisation utilises
such totalist devices to change individuals, the greater its resemblance
to thought reform.
Remember ..... A group does not have to be religious to be cultic in
behaviour. High demand groups can be commercial, political and psychological.
Be aware, especially if you are a bright, intelligent and idealistic person.
The most likely person to be caught up in this type of behavioural system is
the one who says "I won't get caught. It will never happen to me.
I am too intelligent for that sort of thing."
Written by Jan Groenveld
May be distributed freely providing it contains the above identifying
information and the text is not altered in any way
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Jan Groenveld, Internet:
Brisbane Queensland Australia, Fidonet: 3:640/316
"If you change a person's behaviour, his thoughts and feelings will
change to minimise the dissonance."
"These criteria consist of eight psychological themes which are
predominant within the social field of the thought reform milieu.
Each has a totalistic quality; each depends upon an equally
absolute philosophical assumption; and each mobilises certain
individual emotional tendencies, mostly of a polarising nature.
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