Toronto ARSCC (wdne,eh?) Picket report--October 20th, 2001-from the Toronto Org.
Picketers: At the Org: Gregg, Kaeli, Zeratul
We started our picket at around quarter to one. Keith took his
customary position at
110 ft away from the Org, while, Gregg, Zeratul and I walked to the Org
We saw the Isaac Hayes wannabe standing outside, with a grin on his
face as we
approached. He walked into the Org.
When Gregg began speaking, a woman shut the Org door in order not to
hear Gregg
Zeratul and I were on sign duty and contiuned walking around the Org.
I noticed that
a dark haired woman with long curly hair was on a cell phone, looking at
us, then
handed the cellphone to the Isaac Hayes wannabe, who was still staring
at us with
a grin on his face.
At 1:45pm we noticed two mounted police officers coming up the street
and blocking
off the connection to Yonge Street. They entirely and totally ignored
At around 2pm, during the picket, an antiwar protest came up St Mary
street. We decided
that we did not want to be associated with any political or even
anti-war movement.
Gregg said, "we are here to picket the Cult of Scientology, that's it."
So we stopped
picketing, but stayed nearby the Org anyhow. Most of their signs
read: "Global
Mobilization for Social Justice" and "NDP" (Canadian socialist
party.) We at first
thought it was the OCAP, (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty), who have
been known
to use violent techniques against what they consider their enemies
(during the last
week, OCAP decided to shut down Toronto's financial district. Much of
the weapons
the police pulled away from them were extremely dangerous, including
makings for
Molotov cocktails.)
We noticed that Al Buttnor snuck out from the Org, and tried to mingle
in with the
antiwar protesters. As soon as the protest dispersed, it was noticed
that the body
routers were outside again, handing out flyers. We came back to our
positions again.
One of the body routers was the Isaac Hayes wannabe. Gregg asked him if
he knew
that Scientology supports apartheid. The man walked back in, saying,
"Don't go there
man" and took off quickly, into the back of the Org.
Near the end of the picket, the three of us stood together, talking,
when Al Buttnor
came back again with a camera. I suddenly asked him, "Hey Al! Feel up
any children
lately?" He took off going north on Yonge Street, leaving the new
president of the
Org, a woman, standing alone to face us with her camera. Gregg asked her
questions. Her lips were quivering and she looked like she was about to
cry as she
fled back into the Org.
We then ended our picket at 2:30pm.
It is fairly obvious they are acting terrorized in order to win public
especially at this time. Most of them would not come out and confront
us, as they
did so many times in the past. My feeling is that the Toronto Org is
going to
try some kind of dirty trick...however, they are expert at that
21 Oct 2001
Kaeli <>
110 ft: Keith
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