

PICKET REPORT 2002/april/06 Saturday, @ BIRMINGHAM (UK)
6 Apr 2002
Dave Bird <dave@xemu.demon.co.uk>

It was a nice bright spring day, just perfect to go picketing the Scientology cult around New Street in front of their offices (2nd floor, above Thomas Cook). Just Dave, Jens, and John plus our sound system this time; apologies from three other regulars, no doubt they were present in spirit. We met from the train and started out around 13:00. No clams visible, though about 30 minutes later the DSA appeared and wanted to tie us up talking to waste our time. Apparently they had done so well that week, they didn't need to leaflet today. The true reason was apparent around 14:00, the Reg and her assistant had been leafleting the big (?) Palestine rally in the library square about 150 metres up the street from us.

Since we were few in number, and the busker playing alto-sax wanted to inherit the pitch, we finished after 2 hours dead and went to a pub just round the corner on the other side.

The DSA and his side-kick, two sneaky little gollums together, followed us to the pub and stood across the road for twenty minutes then went away. About 16:30 we headed for trains and home. Not our biggest demo ever but still, all in all, we had a grand day out.

               .'  '.       "OUR GRAND DAY OUT"
              :      :
              | _  _ |     cracking clams, grommit!
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