WEll, after 2 full days of picketing, I can say we had a great LRH Birthday!
I, having gone to LRH Birthday events for 30 years, Celelbrated my first
Birthday NOT having to go to some over hyped up event.
Yeseterday we had a smaller crowd, but we were intense. There was Jeff
Jacobson, Peter Alexander, Patricia Greenway, me and the Woodcrafts (Laurence,
Zoie, Astra). We started at CC, went to the HGB (where the scio exec's are) and
onto the testing center. In each location, the staff zoomed inside and stayed
Today we had Grahame Berry join us, John Dries, Richard from Riverside and his
nephew, Chris Walker, Brian Murphy, Jeff Jacobson, Peter Alexander, Patricia
Greenway, The Woodcrafts (Laurence, Astra and Zoie) and myself. We had a blast
today. We started again at CC, and then went over the the HGB. There Patricia
pointed out this guy in a green shirt was our handler. She went over to talk to
him, and she asked him about the tech being altered. He told her it wasn't
altered, they were "reforming" it. Now that was THE FIRST time I had ever heard
a scio acknowledge that they had altered the tech, so I wanted to hear this in
I walked over to this guy with sun glasses on, and as I got closer I realized
it was my friend from my old Scientology Parishioners League who I turned it
over to when I left last year, Joel Phillips! We had LOTS to talk about,,,,,
Then onto the Complex, only to find Joel there too. He and a few other publics
had large signs that they tried to put over our signs. As we pointed out, that
only proves what our signs are saying are true.
We picketed at CC and HGB from 10-1 and then took a lunch break until 2. We
then started back up at the Complex until about 4 or so. Each of us had plenty
to say, and many people seemed to be talking. At the HGB many people came up to
us telling us stories of how they had been in briefly and then got out.
Numerous cars drove by honking for us. It always amazes me to see how many
people are against Scientology, really. We all decided to end off around 5, to
go to the event...although Grahame and Keith stayed a bit longer to picket, as
they were not going on to the event.
John, Jeff and I then went on to Universal to see all the scios walk in. We
just stood by the side, and it was amazing truly to watch. MANY friends would
come up to me. I had my horns on, to let them know I had been declared,,,,and
they still came up to talk. As SOOON as they came up to me, BOOM! OSA was there
to drag them off.
One older man stopped to talk, and a lady came to drag him off. He nearly fell
over in confusion about why he was being dragged off. I finally asked them
"Why are you cutting my comm with all of my friends? That is out tech". They
said :"They aren't your friends".
Isn't THAT so typical. So I told them, OH yes they are as many call me and
e-mail me, so IF you saw me and you are wondering what happened....
CALL ME!!!! E-mail me first at and we can set up a meeting
or conversation at least. Don't let these Naxi's run your life. You have every
right to talk.
Despite how bad they tell you I am, you know I am not.
Trust in what you know.
LOVE TO ALL!!! It was GREAT seeing each of you!!
To my wonderful picketing buddies: POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! :)))))
We will meet soon for more fun activities.
Tory/Magoo~dancing with the critics~
18 Mar 2001 (Mistmagoo55)
In for 30 years
Out for 7 months
SP 5
Free at last~
(more info at under Tory's Story)
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