Arizona Protest
Kathy and I picketed from 10 to 11 yesterday morning,
accompanied by two students from NAU (Morthern Arizona U.).
The students are doing a report for a sociology class
and had requested to interview me after seeing a Web ad for a
talk on the subject of "CoS vs the Internet" that I had presented
at local humanist and skeptics' meetings. They asked questions
about why I became a picketer, why the CoS as a target, etc.
They did not carry signs, although one of them asked to be
notified about later pickets.
Just before the students arrived, as Kathy and I started the
picket, two female sea org members walked up on the sidewalk
from the Dobson intersection and entered the building.
There were 7 cars in the lot, about 4 of them were pickups.
Traffic was normal, and we got a lot of positive responses.
Two drivers parked and talked with us during the hour.
Towards the end of the picket a woman came out of the org
with a Kodak "use once" camera to take our picture. Kathy
responded with a Sony Hi-8 video and I volleyed with my
new Canon G1 Powershot digital camera in "Raw Pixel" mode.
Outclassed, she retreated in full enturbu-Tone40-lation mode.
01 Apr 2001 (Bruce Pettycrew)
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